The Magazine

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Our digital magazine is a curated collection of essays, stories, and expert resources published for you and with one purpose in mind: that each woman would feel seen, heard, and encouraged as they navigate their path toward professional development

Mentorship Brave Collective Mentorship Brave Collective

Gaining Wisdom Across Generations

As I carefully scan my past, I am so very grateful for those who have poured into my life. I now see it was His divine mandate contributing to who I am today. Those who have gone before me — encouraging, supporting, and cheering me on — have helped me to see what God sees… my true identity in Christ.

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Faith, Lifestyle Danielle Morgan Faith, Lifestyle Danielle Morgan

Feeling like you don’t belong

I saw myself as ‘not holy enough’ for my Christian friends and ‘too good’ for my non-Christian friends. The truth is, I never really felt like I fit the mold anywhere.

What I've learned, though, is that the feeling of being an outsider - that you don’t belong - it only has as much power as you give it.

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Business & Career, Lifestyle Brave Collective Business & Career, Lifestyle Brave Collective

Building Confidence

Confidence doesn’t just show up one day like an out-of-town visitor pulling the pop-in. In rare cases, you may feel confident because of an unexpected twist of events, but in reality, most of us are doing it scared.

And that’s okay because doing it scared requires bravery. It takes courage to do the thing you know is right, take a leap of faith into the unknown, or voice an unpopular opinion simply because your voice needs to be heard.

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Business & Career Danielle Morgan Business & Career Danielle Morgan

How to ask for a raise

If there’s one thing you should learn early on it’s this: just because you deserve something doesn’t mean it’s going to be offered to you. This is especially true for women in the workplace.

If you think you’re doing a good job, you know you’re the right person for the promotion, and you are confident you’ll be able to prove your value, don’t wait around to be noticed.

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Lifestyle Brave Collective Lifestyle Brave Collective

Working Mom’s Survival Guide

I'm not here to offer you advice on how you can be more efficient so you can add more to your already jam-packed schedule.

What I'm talking about are tips that have helped me compartmentalize my life in a healthy way - a way that allows me to enjoy what matters most and truly be in the moment at hand -whether that's work or play.

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Faith Danielle Morgan Faith Danielle Morgan

Daughters of God, your time is now

We have been called to be truth-tellers, encouragers of the word, and warriors of peace… and we will not be silenced. So what’s stopping you, sister? What’s stopping you from facing that aversion by holding tight to the truth you claim and holding fast to the promises of God?

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Faith Danielle Morgan Faith Danielle Morgan

Welcome to The Brave Collective

Knowing your value starts with discovering who you are which is rooted in who God says you are. This is important because if you don’t base your identity in Jesus, then you will always miss the mark. You will always be drowning in a sea of dirty clothes, stuck in the same spot, wearing masks to cover up your true feelings.

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